Dear Congressman,
The title of this post is the title of an email I received while at work. Personally, it really irritates me when someone uses another person's sacrifice and just automatically assumes that they did it for their particular point of view. The comments in bold are, of course, mine....
My great great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Civil War (didn't he try to save them?)
My grandfather watched as his friends died in WW II (again, I would probably have tried to do something)
and my father watched as my friends died in Vietnam. (you must have older friends that your father didn't like if he didn't help your friends either)
None of them died for the Mexican Flag. (nope, they died serving their country)
Everyone died for the U.S. flag. (I'd like to think they died defending our ideals and freedom, not a piece of fabic that you seem to admire above all other things)
In Texas , a student raised a Mexican flag on a school flag pole; another student took it down.
Guess who was expelled...the kid who took it down. (wrong, the flag was hanging on a balcony, and he was suspended for throwing it in the trash as it was someone else's property)
Kids in high school in California were sent home this year on Cinco de Mayo because they wore T-shirts with the American flag printed on them. (do you think maybe they were trying to provoke the Hispanic population of Morgan Hill, Ca. by all 5 of them wearing flag shirts and bandanas on their heads? call me when it happens on the 4th of July)
Enough is enough. (my my.. we have a short fuse, don't we!)
The below e-mail message needs to be viewed by every American; and every American needs to stand up for America. (is it okay if I stay seated, or is that too unpatriotic?)
We've bent over to appease the America-haters long enough. (actually, you have been bent over by anyone who can afford a lobby in Washington DC)
I'm taking a stand. (if you don't pay for the stand, you will be arrested, as we prosecute thieves in this country)
I'm standing up because the hundreds of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the U.S. flag can't stand up. (and most American's appreciate their sacrifice without smearing their honor to support their personal adgenda, so before you can say it SHAME ON YOU!)
And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message. (I always love this one, the famous "you are either with us or against us, there is no other option!!!!)
Let me make this perfectly clear! (so far, so good)
THIS IS MY COUNTRY! (really, can I see your title of ownership, here I am paying taxes to the government and I should have been mailing my check to you!)
And, because I make This statement DOES NOT Mean I'm against immigration!!! (glad to hear that, because otherwise you are a really pissed off and misguided native American)
YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, IN MY COUNTRY! (Thank you! I will sleep better tonight)
Welcome! To come through legally:
1. Get a sponsor! (I take it you or your friends won't be offering your services)
2. Get a place to lay your head! (not too tough, there are a lot of foreclosed houses out there that your fellow Americans got kicked out of by those patriotic American banks)
3. Get a job! (that's a little tougher, as there are over 8 million American's in line before them)
4. Live By OUR Rules! (Ja wohl, mein kommandant)
5. Pay YOUR Taxes! (the Tea Party might disagree with you here)
6. Learn the LANGUAGE like immigrants have in the past!!! (technically, it is usually the next generation that learned the language, as the older ones stayed in support communities ... ie- little Italy, Chinatown...etc)
7. Please don't demand that we hand over our lifetime savings of Social Security Funds to you. (hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is no savings account of Social Security Funds, it is a pay-as-you-go system, and contrary to popular folklore, you can not cross the Rio Grande and start collecting Social Security instantly.)
If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone,Then YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM! (guess I am part of the problem, let me know which un-American detention center I am suppose to report to when you take charge)
When will AMERICANS STOP giving away THEIR RIGHTS??? (I don't see anyone breaking down your door for posting this crap, so you already have more rights at that point then 1/3 of the planet's population)
We've gone so far the other way...bent over backwards not to offend anyone. (my guess is that you probably could not bend any further forward either as you have spent more time in the buffet line than at the gym. Not that it is un-American to be obsese...)
But it seems no one cares about the AMERICAN CITIZEN that's being offended! (you do, and that is enough for me!)
If You agree.... Pass this on. (I just passed something but it wasn't this)
If You don't agree.. Delete It!!! (the final line of this misguided tirade is the first time you have presented the greatest gift our veterans have given with their sacrifice (in my opinion): freedom to choose how you wish to live and what you want to say)
(So thank you, Soldiers one and all, thank you.)
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